East Kalimantan is the widest province in Indonesia, broadly region is about 245237,80 Km2 or about one a half point of Java Island and Madura or 11 % from Indonesia region wide total. This province abuts on direct with neighboring state, that is Sabah and Serawak, East Malaysia.

Based on the government region, this province is divided into 4 municipal administrations, and 9 regencies and 122 Districts, 1347 villages and 191 sub-districts.
East Kalimantan Province has 13 Regencies and Cities

  1. Berau Regency
  2. Bulungan Regency
  3. Kutai West Regency
  4. Kutai Kartanegara Regency
  5. Kutai East Regency
  6. Malinau Regency
  7. Nunukan Regency
  8. Pasir Regency
  9. North Penajam Paser Regency
  10. Balikpapan City
  11. Bontang City
  12. Samarinda City
  13. Tarakan City

East Kalimantan Resident in 2004 amount to 2.750.369 men in 2005 East Kalimantan residents is predicted amount to 2,8 million men. It is compared to region wide, East Kalimantan Province has low density, that is mean about 11,22 men per Km2.

The main result of this province is mining products like oil, natural gas, and stone smoldered. Other sector being grow is agricultural and tourism.
East Kalimantan has some tourism objects such as;

  1. Derawan Archipelago in Berau,
  2. Kayan Mentarang National Park
  3. Batu Lamampu Beach in Nunukan
  4. The Crocodile Breeding in Balikpapan
  5. The Deer Breeding in Penajam,
  6. Dayak Pampang Kampong in Samarinda,
  7. Amal Beach in Tarakan city

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